Saturday 23 January 2016


Didn't see myself as a fan of musicals, but was persuaded to go and see Showboat at The Crucible in Sheffield last night. Really fantastic, great music and singing, wonderful dancing, warm engaging characters and a moving story well acted and never morbid. A couple of good laughs too. Something for everyone and a really enjoyable experience.

Showboat dates back to the 1920s, so it's an early example of the genre, based on a novel I now must read. I think it could teach modern musicals a thing or two. Probably quite political in its day and still relevant today. Brilliant.

Friday 22 January 2016

This is not an advertisement - but it makes me feel good.

I have a new Gretsch guitar, it's one of the Korean ones because that's what my budget stretched to and no more. It's great fun though, it's a thing of beauty and although I would buy a USA made one if I had the money I don't think it's terribly inferior, great finish and great sound, love the Bigsby and although I've seen some negative comments online about the pickups I find them just fine. There are sound comparisons online too which suggest it's not a huge difference.

I play and practice every day now and it makes me feel good about life.

Why This Blog?

I have a blog where I make political comments Malcolms Political Comment and a blog about things which cause annoyance in everyday life Things That Get Your Goat .

Lets face it politics rarely make you smile and things that get your goat certainly don't, so, to create some balance this blog is about good things that happen and that's all.